A context has several events that reflect a significant set of actions and occurrences during a given period in that geographic area and are commonly associated with extreme natural accidents.
In RCP, an event is defined by a name, a start and end date-times, a description, and other simulation-specific properties (e.g., return period, warm-up). Moreover, an event is classified as a type, e.g., flood, heavy precipitation, hy-drological drought, hurricane, tsunami, and sub-type, e.g., hindcast, forecast, nowcast, or planning.
A hindcast event represents the running of a model for a historical period or event, calibrating the model and evaluating the simulations’ fidelity, or obtaining thresh-olds for variables of interest and their probability of exceedance.
A forecast predicts the context state in the future, and a nowcast applies to the current state and a few hours in the future.
A planning event is a simulation based on inputs (discharge or rainfall) with a giv-en probability of exceedance or return period.