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HiSTAV is an in-house shallow-water model featuring dynamic bed geometries and sediment transport modelled via the difference between capacity bedload discharge and local solid discharge (Ferreira et al., 2009; Canelas et al., 2013; Conde et al., 2020). The model comprises the total mass conservation equation, the momentum conservation equation and the sediment mass conservation equation. The conservation equations system is hyperbolic and discretized with a finite-volume method employing a flux-splitting technique and a reviewed Roe–Riemann solver with appropriate source-term formulations to ensure full conservativeness7 (Canelas et al. 2013). The sediment mass conservation expresses the interaction between the bed and the flow in the bed. In HiSTAV, the closed conservation equations are discretized by a Finite Volume approach and solved explicitly, obeying a CFL condition. The implementation is entirely cross-compatible between CPUs and GPUs, through an intuitive object-oriented approach8 (Conde et al 2020). It thus supports distributed and heterogeneous computing of significant problems at very high resolutions. Therefore, there are no special requirements for the machines that may run HiSTAV; it can spread its load through available GPUs or CPUs. The data produced by HiSTAV is stored in .vtk files created by the Visualization Toolkit (VTK), state-of-the-art open-source software for manipulating and displaying scientific data (https://vtk.org/).